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The respiratory system, a Tree of Life in the human body.
Let's get comfortable, close our eyes and ... breathe deeply ...
Slowly and gently we fill our lungs with air, inhaling, and - after a moment - we let the air out freely from our body exhaling ... With this simple and natural as fundamental act we declared to the world, and to ourselves, our existence. By breathing, we have affirmed our individuality.
... Breathe.........
Physiologically speaking, at birth, thanks to a first deep inspiration, our lungs - crown of the upturned tree with which our respiratory system is represented - are structured to guarantee us Life. The pulmonary alveoli (the respiratory unit of the lung), folded on themselves during the intrauterine Life, open up filling the air of this first inhalation and remain so throughout the rest of our existence, guaranteeing us - like real leaves of a tree - gas exchange between air and blood, indispensable for our survival. With the first sounding as explosive cry, as a newborn we announce our existence, declaring to the whole world: "I am", "I exist". It is the scream that takes us away from absence.
... Breathe.........
At the time of our birth, we abandon the aquatic world of intrauterine life, to enter the aerial world. In this new extrauterine dimension, the air represents our first vital nourishment, a sort of "cosmic milk" with which we will nourish ourselves throughout our lives, thanks to the breath, the continuous succession of inspirations (from the first, which opens us to the Vita) and expirations (until the last, which will accompany our exit from the world)
.... Breathe......... By breathing, we create and maintain a continuous exchange between our internal world (microcosm) and the external world (macrocosm). Which Individuals we are part of a Collective, of an Whole, with which we are in continuous relationship. With each inhalation, through the air - an impalpable substance, invisible, subtle but pregnant with everything that surrounds us - we carry the Universe within us, we make it our own, and then, with exhalation, return parts of ourselves to it, contributing to its creation.
... Breathe......... Thanks to the breath, we can make our voice heard, unique and different from all those of other individuals; observing the breath we can grasp the movements of our - and others - emotionality (the breath anticipates them); breathing in we are able to grasp the emotional and affective quality of the environment around us, we can recognize with closed eyes what and who surrounds us, perceiving its perfume, its smell, its essence.
... Breathe......... It is clear and understandable to everyone that breathing is the primary condition for living. But let's not forget that the breath not only makes Life possible. It allows existence, but it is also the essence of all that is animated.
Breath is Life.
for more information on the subject: Dr. Maria Ceriani
mob psychotherapist: +39 338 9393503